Perspectives (Core)
Course Descriptions
The list of courses and corresponding credit hours that appear below is not exhaustive and is subject to change. Availability of elective courses is based on the availability of instructors for the course. Core required courses and the hours of credit may be modified by faculty action.
Sufficient notice will be given to students of any such modifications. The total hours required for graduation will not be changed in any matter that delays or prejudices a student’s progress toward graduation.

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Perspectives (Core)
Professional Responsibility (2 credits)
This course offers an examination of ethical and legal problems encountered in representing clients, including confidentiality, privilege and conflicts of interest; and of maintenance of professional standards via disciplinary proceedings, malpractice, criminal prosecution and disqualification. This course will also include a study of the biblical foundations for professional responsibilities law.
This course offers an examination of ethical and legal problems encountered in representing clients, including confidentiality, privilege and conflicts of interest; and of maintenance of professional standards via disciplinary proceedings, malpractice, criminal prosecution and disqualification. This course will also include a study of the biblical foundations for professional responsibilities law.
Leadership Seminar (2 credits)
This course is split between the second and third year, one credit being taken in the second year and one in the third.
This course is split between the second and third year, one credit being taken in the second year and one in the third.
Christianity and Law (6 credits)
The course gives students an introduction to the relationship that exists between Christianity and the law. Students will examine the issues of how human laws relate to God’s laws, the foundational principles of Biblical jurisprudence, the nature of responsibility and punishment, mercy and judgment.
The course gives students an introduction to the relationship that exists between Christianity and the law. Students will examine the issues of how human laws relate to God’s laws, the foundational principles of Biblical jurisprudence, the nature of responsibility and punishment, mercy and judgment.
Foundations for the Study of Western Law and Culture (1 credit)
This is course offered during the First Year Student Orientation is intended to give introductory exposure to students in foundational topics such as worldviews and jurisprudence. Attention is also paid to American and English common law and the importance of case analysis.
This is course offered during the First Year Student Orientation is intended to give introductory exposure to students in foundational topics such as worldviews and jurisprudence. Attention is also paid to American and English common law and the importance of case analysis.