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Vision Statement
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
Without a vision, nations, communities, families, and businesses perish. The same is true of a law school. Our vision comes from Jesus Christ and His universal kingship. We know that we can follow Him in every aspect of life serving the public good in modern societies. This is the foundation of our drive for professional excellence guided by Christ expressing itself in servant-leadership.
Intellectual and Professional Excellence
Tackling the complex issues which lawyers will be required to address in the next generation will require the highest of intellectual and professional skills. This commitment to excellence is not only driven by a sense of the urgent needs which will surround us, but by an understanding of a claim on us – a claim of divine origin. We are persuaded we are to summon all the gifts and skills which God has given us, and commit them to our life’s work – as citizens, spouses, parents, and as professionals in law.
Spiritual Focus and Passion
The issues facing law in the next millennium are simply too overwhelming to address without the reservoirs of moral and ethical teaching that have historically informed the law. Handong International Law School claims and cherishes that heritage. The Law School draws on Biblical principles and unapologetically derives its vision from a conviction of Christ as Lord of all – including law.
Servant Leadership
We are persuaded that the urgent need in the legal profession today is not only excellence and competence, but also persons with a servant heart. No calling requires a servant’s heart and tenacity any greater than the call to “do justice.” In a world with massive injustice at both the personal and the structural levels, there is a desperate need for those whose hearts are touched by a high calling, and who seek careers whose rewards are far more enduring than personal wealth or status. The need is to rediscover the vision of lawyers who are not just litigators and drafters, but “counselors”.
Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
Handong Global University,
558 Handong-ro, Buk-gu, Pohang,
Gyeongbuk, 37554 Republic of Korea | Telephone: 82-54-260-1713~7
Fax: 82-54-260-1719
© 2016 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.     개인정보처리방침
Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
© 2015 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.