Perspectives (Elective)
Course Descriptions
The list of courses and corresponding credit hours that appear below is not exhaustive and is subject to change. Availability of elective courses is based on the availability of instructors for the course. Core required courses and the hours of credit may be modified by faculty action.
Sufficient notice will be given to students of any such modifications. The total hours required for graduation will not be changed in any matter that delays or prejudices a student’s progress toward graduation.

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Perspectives (Elective)
Law and Contemporary Legal/Ethical Issues (1/2 credits)
This colloquium course will expose students to various contemporary legal issues on distinct topics such as abortion and the right to life, the role of law in development, the bill of rights in the age of terrorism, and so on.
This colloquium course will expose students to various contemporary legal issues on distinct topics such as abortion and the right to life, the role of law in development, the bill of rights in the age of terrorism, and so on.
Law and Society (3 credits)
This seminar will first survey the main stream of social scientific movements in modern law. It will help students to have some theoretical background to see law in relation with society. It will also be a comparative study of lawyers in major countries: US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Korea etc. and will cover recent trends caused by the impact of globalization. Presentations and discussions between the students take a central and important role in this course.
This seminar will first survey the main stream of social scientific movements in modern law. It will help students to have some theoretical background to see law in relation with society. It will also be a comparative study of lawyers in major countries: US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Korea etc. and will cover recent trends caused by the impact of globalization. Presentations and discussions between the students take a central and important role in this course.
Survey of American Political/Legal History – American Political System (1/2 credits)
These survey courses, offered in the first year, are intended to provide students with the requisite knowledge of important events that have shaped the American political and legal landscape.
These survey courses, offered in the first year, are intended to provide students with the requisite knowledge of important events that have shaped the American political and legal landscape.