U.S. Substantive Law (Core)
Course Descriptions
The list of courses and corresponding credit hours that appear below is not exhaustive and is subject to change. Availability of elective courses is based on the availability of instructors for the course. Core required courses and the hours of credit may be modified by faculty action.
Sufficient notice will be given to students of any such modifications. The total hours required for graduation will not be changed in any matter that delays or prejudices a student’s progress toward graduation.

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U.S. Substantive Law (Core)
Evidence (4 credits)
From significant Constitutional principles to the mode and order of the presentation of evidence in a trial to the practical aspects of the introduction of and objections to evidence during trial, this class on evidence will provide students with the fundamental concepts upon which the law of evidence rests. The Federal Rules of Evidence are an important part of this course, and they are an integral part of the course. Indeed, Evidence, for the most part, is a course driven by the Rules of Evidence. However, this class is much more than rote memorization of rules, it also entails an understanding of the development and explanation of the Rules through the study of case law. The importance of this class cannot be understated, for it is through the careful, measured introduction of evidence in the context of an adversarial trial that enables a judge or jury to make rational conclusions about which party should prevail and what remedy, if any, should be granted.
From significant Constitutional principles to the mode and order of the presentation of evidence in a trial to the practical aspects of the introduction of and objections to evidence during trial, this class on evidence will provide students with the fundamental concepts upon which the law of evidence rests. The Federal Rules of Evidence are an important part of this course, and they are an integral part of the course. Indeed, Evidence, for the most part, is a course driven by the Rules of Evidence. However, this class is much more than rote memorization of rules, it also entails an understanding of the development and explanation of the Rules through the study of case law. The importance of this class cannot be understated, for it is through the careful, measured introduction of evidence in the context of an adversarial trial that enables a judge or jury to make rational conclusions about which party should prevail and what remedy, if any, should be granted.
Torts (4 credits)
Torts is an area of law where assaulting, battering, imprisoning, slandering, libeling, interfering with a contract, negligent harm and such “injurious” things as these can result in victims being paid money to compensate them for their injuries. This course will demonstrate how society tries to exercise its conscience through the court system to correct and deter people from causing civil injury to others.
Torts is an area of law where assaulting, battering, imprisoning, slandering, libeling, interfering with a contract, negligent harm and such “injurious” things as these can result in victims being paid money to compensate them for their injuries. This course will demonstrate how society tries to exercise its conscience through the court system to correct and deter people from causing civil injury to others.
Property (4 credits)
This course will provide students with a basic survey of the law of property that examines the forms and methods by which property interests are owned, held, used, leased and transferred, with emphasis on real estate, including the interaction of public, private and governmental interests.
This course will provide students with a basic survey of the law of property that examines the forms and methods by which property interests are owned, held, used, leased and transferred, with emphasis on real estate, including the interaction of public, private and governmental interests.
Criminal Law (4 credits)
This course covers the general area of criminal law, including characteristics of criminal law, basic elements of crimes, specific criminal offenses, parties to crimes, anticipatory crimes, and criminal defenses.
This course covers the general area of criminal law, including characteristics of criminal law, basic elements of crimes, specific criminal offenses, parties to crimes, anticipatory crimes, and criminal defenses.
Contracts (4 credits)
Contracts covers issues dealing with the enforcement of private agreements which encompasses such topics as mutual assent, consideration, and problems related to breach of contract and the doctrine of promissory estoppel. Attention is also paid to damages and other remedies as well as defenses to contractual obligation.
Contracts covers issues dealing with the enforcement of private agreements which encompasses such topics as mutual assent, consideration, and problems related to breach of contract and the doctrine of promissory estoppel. Attention is also paid to damages and other remedies as well as defenses to contractual obligation.
Constitutional Law (4 credits)
This course exposes students to issues arising under the U.S. Constitution such as state and federal regulatory authority; judicial review; federal taxing and spending powers; separation of powers; due process and equal protection; and First Amendment issues, including freedoms of speech, of the press, and of religion.
This course exposes students to issues arising under the U.S. Constitution such as state and federal regulatory authority; judicial review; federal taxing and spending powers; separation of powers; due process and equal protection; and First Amendment issues, including freedoms of speech, of the press, and of religion.
Civil Procedure (4 credits)
The study of Civil Procedure blends several key constitutional principles with very practical steps that must be taken so that legal remedies may be pursued, and rights and interests defended in an adversarial trial through the application of just and fair court procedures that seek to balance the interests and concerns of the public, the parties, and the courts. Students will study the various types of jurisdiction granted to courts, the source of law to be applied by the courts, the several approaches to paying for litigation, the form and practice of pleadings, and the tools of discovery available to the parties. Students will learn the fundamental aspects of American jurisprudence. Rules of procedure remain important throughout the litigation process, regardless of whether the dispute is resolved before trial, by trial or by an appeal of a judgment after trial. Students will review some of the ways to terminate a lawsuit before the actual trial, then turn to the rule of and decisions (i.e., judgments or verdicts) by judges and juries, moves to appeals of judgments and the attempt to re-file a lawsuit after a final decision, and then concludes with the rights or obligation to add new claims or parties to the lawsuit. Students will complete the study of steps in the trial and appeal process that theoretically achieve a just and fair process for the litigants.
The study of Civil Procedure blends several key constitutional principles with very practical steps that must be taken so that legal remedies may be pursued, and rights and interests defended in an adversarial trial through the application of just and fair court procedures that seek to balance the interests and concerns of the public, the parties, and the courts. Students will study the various types of jurisdiction granted to courts, the source of law to be applied by the courts, the several approaches to paying for litigation, the form and practice of pleadings, and the tools of discovery available to the parties. Students will learn the fundamental aspects of American jurisprudence. Rules of procedure remain important throughout the litigation process, regardless of whether the dispute is resolved before trial, by trial or by an appeal of a judgment after trial. Students will review some of the ways to terminate a lawsuit before the actual trial, then turn to the rule of and decisions (i.e., judgments or verdicts) by judges and juries, moves to appeals of judgments and the attempt to re-file a lawsuit after a final decision, and then concludes with the rights or obligation to add new claims or parties to the lawsuit. Students will complete the study of steps in the trial and appeal process that theoretically achieve a just and fair process for the litigants.