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Career Services

“Welcome to HILS Career Services”


HILS Career Services assists students and alumni in preparing résumés, drafting cover letters, researching job opportunities and networking advice. Our office regularly offers workshops and panels to help students in their path to career success. We also give individualized counseling sessions to help students identify career options and prepare for interviews.









A key concern for students is finding a job after law school. The Career Services Office will assist you in finding internships and fellowships from the time you start your first year through graduation.


Graduates of HILS work in leading law firms; Lee & Ko, Yulchon, DR & AJU, Barun, Logos, where they are involved with various international in-bound and out-bound legal practices.  Many HILS alumni also play key roles in the legal departments of global corporations based in Korea: Samsung, LG, SK, Hyundai, CJ, POSCO.  Other alumni are working with the United Nations, UNHCR, Advocates for Public Interest Law (refugee rights), CLF (Christian Lawyers’ Fellowship), Advocates Korea (religious freedom) and various national and international NGOs.



HILS Student Employment & Internships


Where do HILS students intern? 


                      Logos Law Firm                                       DR & AJU Law Firm                                     

                      Lee & Ko Law Firm                                  Kim & Chang Law Firm

                      Yulchon Law Firm                                   Barun Law Firm

                      Yoon & Yang Law Firm                                                               

                      Anderson & Anderson (China)               Ashurst (Hong Kong)

                      Hyundai Heavy Industries, in-house       U.S. Forces Korea

                      Alabama Supreme Court                        U.S. Federal District Court, D.C.

                      Pacific Justice Institute (U.S.)                  Council of Europe, Vienna Commission



Panels & Forums


Our alumni, members of the law faculty and other international lawyers routinely participate in panel discussions and presentations on everyday practice as Christian lawyers and on various special topics of law.


Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
Handong Global University,
558 Handong-ro, Buk-gu, Pohang,
Gyeongbuk, 37554 Republic of Korea | Telephone: 82-54-260-1713~7
Fax: 82-54-260-1719
© 2016 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.     개인정보처리방침
Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
© 2015 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.