Career Services>
An Invitation to Handong International Law School Handong International Law School invites you to participate in our on-campus recruiting and resume collection program. We assist employers who want to identify law clerks, select summer associates, and fill full-time attorney positions.
Posting Jobs You may email job openings directly to us.
Posting Jobs You may email job openings directly to us.

For more information about recruiting at Handong International Law School, contact
- - Handong International Law School External Relations
- - ANH Rm #102
- - 558 Handongro Heunhae-eup, Buk-gu, Pohang, Korea [37554]
- - Phone: 82-54-260-1671
- - Fax: 82-54-260-1719
- - Email: lawcareer@handong.edu