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[ ] Who can I contact if I want to know more about the law school?

Please feel free to contact any professor at the law school. Their e-mail addresses are available on the Faculty page.

For further information about foreign student admissions (non-Korean nationals) and domestic student admission (Korean nationals), please contact the admission office of HILS at

[ ] Once accepted, what do I need to do to prepare for HILS?

Many of our students find that the reading and writing load is the most challenging aspect of law school. Anything that will assist you with improving your reading and English composition skills will be very helpful.

[ ] What I can I do with a law degree after graduating from HILS?

Many different things. Of course, the one obvious benefit of a law degree is that you can qualify to take the bar exam in the United States, and after meeting other requirements, become a licensed U.S. attorney. However, there is much more one can do with a law degree. Because law affects all areas of society, law school graduates can be found in various fields such as government, business, diplomacy, entertainment, etc.

Many students at HILS are interested in seeking employment with international organizations such as the United Nations or with non-governmental organizations. Others will be seeking jobs with law firms in Korea that have an international practice as well as with multinational corporations that have in-house legal departments. Still others may work with church groups and missionary organizations. The law degree is flexible.

[ ] Do I need to have a law background or an undergraduate law degree to attend HILS?

No. In fact, most of our students have not had any formal legal training. Current students did majors in universities ranging from business administration to psychology to music. We have a few students who were undergraduate Korean law majors.

Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
Handong Global University,
558 Handong-ro, Buk-gu, Pohang,
Gyeongbuk, 37554 Republic of Korea | Telephone: 82-54-260-1713~7
Fax: 82-54-260-1719
© 2016 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.     개인정보처리방침
Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
© 2015 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.