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Alumni Spotlight
Yong Ji Lee (Class of 2012)
writer: 국제법률 관리자   |   date: 2024.09.23   |   count: 233
Looking back at my time at Handong International Law School (HILS), I see how instrumental it was not only in shaping my career but also in deepening my understanding of what it means to serve as a Christian lawyer. At HILS, I gained far more than legal knowledge; I learned how to navigate the demands of the profession while growing as a servant of God. The demanding nature of the legal field often pushes one to measure success by worldly standards – achievements, titles, and recognition. But at HILS, I was taught to keep my eyes fixed on heaven, to seek God’s guidance above all, and to live a life of purpose driven by His calling rather than by individual aspirations.
When we focus on worldly achievements, it’s easy to become consumed by competition, constantly comparing ourselves to others and striving to build a career. But one of the most profound lessons I learned at HILS was to turn my gaze toward heaven. There, I began to see God's plan for my life more clearly, realizing that my work is not just a career but a calling. This lesson, rooted in faith and nurtured at HILS, has sustained me through the many challenges of the legal profession, constantly reminding me that my work is for God’s glory, not for human approval.
Since joining Lee & Ko in 2014, I have had the privilege of advising both domestic and international clients on a wide range of cross-border transactions and investments. One of the most significant aspects of my role is managing the complex tax issues that arise in these cross-border transactions and investments, a responsibility for which I was thoroughly prepared thanks to the education I received at HILS. The curriculum was thoughtfully designed to equip students with the skills needed to excel as international lawyers. The international taxation course I took during my 3L year, in particular, was a decisive factor in guiding me toward becoming an international tax lawyer. The well-organized and comprehensive education system at HILS provided me with a strong foundation that allowed me to immediately contribute as a professional in the field.
But beyond the professional skills I gained, what has made this journey truly sustainable is the community of Christian professionals I found at HILS. The ability to seek God’s vision together with others who share the same profession has been an invaluable source of strength. In moments of difficulty or exhaustion, knowing that there are others walking this same path, grounded in faith, has helped me endure.
As I continue to serve in this challenging profession, I am constantly reminded of God’s provision. The Bible verse that resonates with me most, which I learned during class at HILS, is Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” This verse has been a guiding light throughout my journey, reminding me that success is not measured by earthly standards, but by faithfulness to God’s calling. I am grateful to God for leading me to HILS, where I not only gained invaluable skills but also learned these profound lessons about my purpose and calling in life. 


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Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
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Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)
© 2015 Handong International Law School. All rights reserved.