Alumni Spotlight
Jason Seung-Hyun Jang (Class of 2010)
writer: 국제법률 관리자 |
date: 2020.04.03 |
count: 3536
I have just passed my seventh year anniversary at my current law firm in Washington D.C. and looking back, I marvel at how I got here, halfway across the world, from my hometown in Korea. When I entered HILS after starting a career in the automotive industry, my goal was to understand the law so that I could eventually enter the legal industry.
The Christian community at HILS played an important role in my personal race to enter the legal industry as well as my growth in faith. This growth in faith helped me face unexpected situations such as waiting for approval to take the Bar exam, joblessness. Even though I had no idea of the future, I could hold on to this foundational faith. One experience stands out for me at HILS: One of my classmates greeted me at a Friday night class; this greeting led to me to discover and prepare for an interview for a job the next day. This is the job I currently have and have had for the past seven years.
I am still on this journey. I don’t know where it will end and I may face more challenges, but when I struggle with something, Job 23:10 empowers and encourages me forward: “He knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10).
Jason Seung-Hyun Jang (Class of 2010) is an associate at Brinks Gilson & Lione, an Intellectual Property law firm in Washington, D.C
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